Roseanne’s Dumb Tweet

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I’m burned out on Trump TV.

I don’t need to hear any more of his speeches or read one of his tweets.

I don’t want to watch every little thing President Trump does or says deciphered, misconstrued, attacked, defended, debated or analyzed on my TV every night by his many enemies and few friends.

To try to get some actual news Thursday morning I turned over to the Fox Business Network to watch Stuart Varney and the gang.

FBN covers real stuff and talks to real reporters about the ups and downs of stocks, the impact of President Trump’s trade deals on the economy and stories about the accelerating death spiral of the once-mighty Sears – the Walmart/Amazon of the 1900s.

But even on FBN I couldn’t escape Hurricane Trump, that permanent category 5 media storm that blows away or crowds out the important national and global news of every day.

The big Trump-related story of the morning was the continuing fallout over Roseanne Barr’s racist tweet about former Barrack Obama adviser Valerie Jarrett’s looks.

The tweet caused ABC to instantly cancel her highly rated “Roseanne” sitcom and led Robert Iger, the boss of parent company Disney, to call Jarrett right away to apologize.

FBN’s focus on Roseanne was a perfect example of how low the mainstream media have fallen when it comes to practicing real and important journalism.

She topped the news on virtually every channel, butthe big story of the day should have been President Trump signing the “Right to Try” bill, which finally gives terminally ill patients the federal okay to use experimental medications that have not yet been fully approved by the FDA.

Barr’s tweet was also the latest example of the double standard that permeates the liberal mainstream media’s “news” coverage of President Trump.

Barr, who made herself a juicy target for liberals by proudly calling herself a Trump supporter, was immediately canned and shamed by the leftwing media industrial complex.

Keith Olbermann, Joy Reid, Alec Baldwin, Bill Maher, Don Lemon and “Full Frontal” host Samantha Bee – all card-carrying Trump haters – have said vile, crude and crazy things about Trump and his family.

They did so with little or no harm to their careers.

It’s safe for a liberal celebrity to call Trump a racist or a Nazi, as Olbermann did, or to call Ivanka Trump “a feckless c-,” as Bee did in her monologue Wednesday.

They’ll usually get applauded, defended or given every benefit of the doubt when they pull a Roseanne. They almost never have to apologize.

For example, Joy Reid’s homophobic blogs from 10 years ago have been glossed over or excused, and this week she and former riot-starter Al Sharpton were co-hosting a town meeting on racism at MSNBC.

Christians, Sarah Palin and conservatives are fair game for nasty name calling and low blows in the liberal media.

But if you say anything about a Democrat or a progressive, especially if it has any racial connotations, you’ll be a goner overnight like Roseanne.

Her biggest mistake was openly supporting Trump. That made her a marked celebrity.

She had a history of dumb and politically incorrect tweets, and she didn’t disappoint the liberals.

What she tweeted about Jarrett was wrong, not funny – and plain stupid. But if she deserved to be sacked for what she said, then so do Olbermann, Reid and a bunch of other liberals.

But Olbermann, a sportscaster whose nasty Twitter tantrums about Trump would embarrass a three-year-old, was recently rehired for about the 12th time by Disney’s failing ESPN sports network.

Bee apologized Thursday for “crossing a line.” TBS also apologized.

That’s all they’ll have to do to amend for their sins.

Bee gets a few points for saying she was sorry, but the liberal comedian was never in danger of losing her late-night job.

She knows the new rules of political trash talk – it’s not what you say, it’s who you say it against.

Copyright 2018 Michael Reagan. Michael Reagan is the son of President Ronald Reagan, a political consultant, and the author of “The New Reagan Revolution” (St. Martin’s Press). He is the founder of the email service and president of The Reagan Legacy Foundation. Visit his websites at and Send comments to Follow @reaganworld on Twitter.

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Michael Reagan

Bestselling Author

Political Pundit

Michael is the son of former President Ronald Reagan and Academy Award Winning Actress Jane Wyman. He authored many successful books including his best-selling autobiography, "On the Outside Looking In," and "The Common Sense of An Uncommon Man: The Wit, Wisdom and Eternal Optimism of Ronald Reagan." His book "Twice Adopted" is based on his personal story. His newest book, “Lessons My Father Taught Me: The Strength, Integrity, and Faith of Ronald Reagan” is in book stores now. He is a popular national speaker on issues related to conservative politics, adoption, and the life lessons he learned from his father Ronald Reagan and his mother, actress Jane Wyman. Michael hosted a live radio show for over 26 years, which was the first nationally syndicated long form political talk show presented by Premiere Radio Networks. Michael is also the founder and chairman of The Reagan Group. All of his activities are brought together at

Throughout his career, Michael has taken time to support numerous charitable organizations. In addition to his role as president of The Reagan Legacy Foundation, he serves on the board of The John Douglas French Alzheimer's Foundation and is a board member and the national spokesperson for My Stuff Bags Foundation, a unique program that addresses some of the immediate physical and emotional needs of children rescued from abuse and neglect. In 2005, he established the Michael Reagan Center for Advocacy and Research in partnership with Arrow Child and Family Ministries. The center operates from a Christian worldview and conducts research in order to effectively advocate for public policies that benefit the safety, stability and well-being of children and families, particularly those served by public and private child welfare systems. Michael has raised millions of dollars for many other notable charities including United States Olympic Team, Cystic Fibrosis, Juvenile Diabetes Foundations, the Statue of Liberty Restoration Fund, the Santa Barbara and San Diego Navy Leagues, and the San Diego Armed Services YMCA.

Michael has been married for 35 years to Colleen and they have two children – daughter Ashley, a third grade teacher and son Cameron, who is a travel agent.