Peter Funt

California and the Death Penalty
Death Penaltys Last Meal by Bob Englehart
Politicians Are Running for TV Jobs
Cable News Goldmine by John Cole
The snide old saw in college used to be: If you can't make it in business, teach it...
Amy for America
Gastos de Campaña Bush by Mike Lane
There are many metrics for what makes a good president, but being able to deliver a speech in falling snow and mid-teen temperatures without hat or gloves for nearly a half hour isn't one of them. The Minnesota Democrat is the real deal...
The State of the Donald Speech
The president gave a pretty good facsimile of a normal speech the other day during, presenting 5,540 of his best words using his indoor voice. Well, not too much, anyway...
For Whom the Horn Honks
Faulty accelerator pedals by Patrick Corrigan
During the years I lived in Manhattan I got used to sleeping through screeching sirens, revving engines and even, sadly, the occasional cry for help. Which brings me to the other night, just after 2 a...
Kamala Harris Tests CNN’s Campaign
Trump doesn't like CNN/ A Trump no le gusta CNN by Arcadio Esquivel
CNN's "Town Hall" Monday night, featuring fast-rising Senator Kamala Harris, was moderately helpful in assessing the California freshman's presidential candidacy, but far more useful in evaluating what television must do in the critically important 2..
Corporate Players Love the Name Game
MLB ticket prices by Dave Granlund
SAN FRANCISCO - Owners of the Giants baseball team have never struck me as stupid - greedy, perhaps, since they shamelessly sell a bottle of Bud for eight times what it's worth, but not stupid...
No Oscar Host? No Problem!
Award Season In Full Swing by Rick McKee
It seems this year's Academy Awards will be conducted using a no-host format, now that Kevin Hart and his dossier of homophobic wisecracks have been officially ruled out...
Bingeing Makes an Unhealthy TV Diet
Binge viewer by David Fitzsimmons
In 2019 I resolve to cutback on bingeing. I believe TV programmers and viewers will come to regret serving up a show's entire season at once, enabling viewers to binge through it as if it were a half-gallon of mocha-almond chip...
2019 Precap
Congress New Year 2019 by Dave Granlund
Wondering if things will change for the better in the New Year? JAN. He vows to appoint a special prosecutor to "bring her to justice. 3 - On "Fox & Friends," Donald Trump Jr. JAN. FEB. FEB. FEB...
My Fantasy World
Sen Jeff Flake by Pat Bagley
Millions of anxious fans are now watching their fortunes rise or fall in the annual fantasy football playoffs. In fantasy sports, allegiance to teams means nothing; individual players are all that matter...
A Strategy for Giving
In the emergency room and on the battlefield it's easy to appreciate the wisdom of a triage system: those with the greatest need are helped first...

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